Monday, April 03, 2006

Coin Mechanism

Automatic Merchandising is one of today's fastest growing industries and so is vending business. On the whole, a vending machine is automated machinery that dispenses merchandises when the customer drops money. Vending machines must have extraordinary coin mechanism to work properly. Antares Natural Choice Corporation offers vending machines that are highly secure as they have an option of locking the coin tray as well as the stock box. Antares machines also eradicate the problem of coin acceptance. We provide machines that acknowledge foreign coinage. Antares coin mechanism accepts currency from many countries and manages to measure the diameter, thickness, metallic substance, etc. of the coins. Each selection has its own coin mechanism so a bent coin or slug will not put a machine out of operation. Individual coin mechanisms are easily removed for service or vend price changes by the operator. Natural Choice Vending machines are fantastically designed and well engineered, that prevents jamming by coins and other items. Nothing can stop your precious clients from getting snacks or drinks whenever they want. Antares coin mechanisms are specifically designed to reduce the acceptance of plastic, cardboard, and metal slugs in problematic locations.


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