Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Planet Antares Gives Tactful Ideas For Firing Business Employees

Like any other business, vending also possesses various aspects that need to be managed professionally and tactfully. Several employees may not be performing well or misusing business resources.

Such an attitude can be corrected by certain measures. If these are not effective, you may have to fire the personnel to avoid a negative impact on business performance.
Here are a few tips for sound firing policies for your vending business:

1. Make sure that you reprimand the employee as and when you notice any mistakes or ignorance in performing duties. It is essential to address issues instantly and not let them go unanswered.

2. There is no need to make a specific list of rules which should be stringently followed. In fact, formal rules will only encourage your staff to do just enough to get by. Focus on creating broad rules instead of a formalistic list of rules which can be used to fire someone. This will make your Planet Antares business activities more effective and improve the work atmosphere as well.

3. Don’t set unrealistic targets and standards of performance. If an employee can meet realistic standards, there will not be any need to fire him. Your decision should be based on his performance and a strong basis of appraisal.

4. Try to avoid the need to terminate a worker’s services. It’s better to discuss any performance issues with the employee before taking the final step of terminating their services. Use motivational techniques for the employee and tell him to make a commitment towards work.

5. Once you decide to fire an employee, do it calmly. Don’t embarrass the individual or make any unnecessary comments that make him/her angry.

6. As a rule, you must not fire any employee on a Friday or at the end of the day. This may result in the person getting the whole weekend to complain and find a reason for putting legal claims on your company.

7. During the process of firing an employee, tell them about the reasons for his getting fired in an honest and straightforward manner. If you beat about the bush or give vague reasons, it may result in a misunderstanding and increase chances of potential lawsuits.

8. After the termination of a staff member, avoid discussing the reasons for discharging an employee with other members of the organization. This can lead to increased feelings of injustice, hurt and anger.

Your Planet Antares vending business has great potential for generating high sales and profits. However, make sure that you keep all the above factors in consideration when you decide to fire a person to avoid bringing a bad name to the company.

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