Friday, November 27, 2009


Although vending machines were traced in first century BC, they gained prominence only in 1800. These machines were initially used to vend only selected products like post cards and gumballs. But the problem with these machines was that they had single selection and accepted only one coin. This has lead to the introduction of snack and soda vending machine by the beginning of 1940. These machines came with multi selection and accepted multiple coins.

However, there were some flaws even in these machines. They were totally mechanical, had few selective options and were not capable of dispensing change to customers. All these drawbacks have lead to development of electronically and technologically advanced vending machines that accepted currency.

Vending operators and manufacturers are immensely benefited by these technological advancements. Encouraged by technological advancement, manufacturers have continued to produce better and improved versions of vending machines. But before you decide to take up this business, make sure you are understand the ins and outs of this business thoroughly.

To begin with, conduct a thorough market research. This helps you to gain knowledge about vending industry, understand the market, know about various products that are in demand, gain knowledge about various new products introduced, understand competitor’s strategies, look for new market avenues and identify new and profitable locations. In-depth knowledge of all these factors influences the success of your business.

Your next move for setting up vending business would be to identify most suitable product for vending. There are several new products that are prevailing in the market. An operator should select that product which has maximum demand among his target customers. After selection of product, choose a machine that is most suitable for vending this product. Depending on the kind of product you vend, several machines are available in the market. Choose one that best fits your requirement.

The last and most important step is installing the machine in a place that has maximum customer traffic. All these steps accompanied by careful planning can make vending a very profitable business venture.

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