Friday, October 20, 2006

A Winning Image of your Vending Company

A powerful marketing program can make a difference in winning sales; a memorable logo can change the look of trucks, uniforms, literature and promotional materials.

If you want to send a winning image of your Antares vending operation to customers and potential customers, you can use high quality images in all the company marketing tools.

Create a visual statement

A professional image can be the separating factor between your Antares business by Antares Corporation and your competitors. You can hire a professional design firm to create a complete marketing program. A central element in a company marketing program is the company logo. The logo is the visual definition of the company.

Uniforms can add a touch of class

Once you have chosen a logo for your Antares vending operation, you can simply e-mail the artwork to an embroidery company. These can be found in trade journals and in local phone directories. From there, a digital logo can be created to be embroidered on shirts, hats, jackets and much more. There are obvious marketing benefits to having employees wear uniforms with logos. It also adds a touch of class and pride to the work environment.

Enhance security and credibility

Uniforms with logos also address customer security concerns. A route driver in a uniform for your business will make customers more at ease. A logo on a uniform enhances the employee’s credibility, which in turn helps the employee to meet customers’ concerns about security. The uniform would also look sharp and strengthens customer relations because people in the account can immediately identify the vending company employee.

Making the vehicle a moving billboard

A moving billboard can also be very effective in getting the vending company’s name recognized. You should have the company logo painted on the vehicles. Having the logo on the truck has another added benefit as well. A route driver can more easily navigate tightened security at sites when the truck carries the company logo.

Business cards

Antares operators should print the logo on their business cards along with other important company information like address and phone number. There is no such thing as too much positive exposure for a vending company.


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