Friday, April 09, 2010

How Can You Boost Sales in Planet Antares Vending Machines

Revenue maximisation is one of the main aims of every vending operator. This can be achieved either by increasing product sales or cutting down costs. Beyond certain limit, cost cutting is not possible. Hence the prime concentration of all operators is on increasing the sales of products offered in their machine. To achieve this operators take up several promotional activities and come up with innovative strategies to lure their customers.

Few tips that can help you in enhancing the sales of your products are:

• Attractive and stylish machines: You might have started your business with basic models. But when you are looking for an expansion, try using some latest more attractive machines like glass vending machines from Planet Antares. You can get several varieties of vending machines in varying shapes and sizes capable by drawing customer’s attention. Increase in the number of customers will undoubtedly increase your sales.

• Explore new markets: In order to increase sales, try to tap new locations with minimum competition. Experiment with some non traditional places. This will definitely help you in reaping more profits.

• New products: Latest products are capable of drawing customer attention and they are forced to try them out once. Even offering branded products can also boost your sales. Vending is the best way to promote new and latest products since customers do not hesitate to purchase them from reputed vending machines.

• Maintenance: A vending machine that is clean and well maintained can draw more customers towards it and thereby increase sales. It is the prime responsibility of every vending operator to make sure that his machine is clean and well maintained. This can not only boost sales but also creative positive impact in the minds of customers.

• Software: As a result of technological advancement, a number of latest software is available in the market. These can help you closely monitor and track sales of your products. They also help you in identifying both fast and slow moving products. Once you identify them, you can replace the slow moving product with one that has maximum demand. Thus you can increase sales.

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Monday, April 05, 2010

Guidelines For Starting Planet Antares Vending Machine Business

Starting a vending machine business is going to be a cake walk if only you have proper guidance and thorough understanding of the moves you need to make. Vending business is all about places, people and products. So, starting a vending business needs some creativity. However some additional guidance would be an added advantage for the operator.

• Establish contacts: To begin with, it is very helpful if you have some contacts with existing vending operators. These contacts will help you start quickly and make money at a faster pace.

• Basic knowledge about fixing vending machines comes handy in case of any emergency. This technical knowledge not only saves your time but also helps keep your costs under control.

• Combo machines: These days we have a lot of combo machines available in the market. These machines are capable of selling two products at a time. For instance: one section of the machine can sell drinks while the other section sells snacks. The main problem with these machines is their maintenance. These machines break down continuously thus leading to customer dissatisfaction. Instead, purchase full size machines with electronic eye. These machines come with a latest feature that detects if a product has been vended or not when a purchase is made.

• Advertising: This is one of the marketing strategies that helps create awareness about the product among customers and creates zeal to purchase it. If you just have a few machines, then advertising is yellow pages is ideal. On the contrary, if you have several machines located across several places, then you can resort to advertising over the internet.

• Employees: If you a novice who has just started vending business with just one or two machines, then you may not need any employees as you can do the servicing and refilling yourself. But once you start expanding your business by adding more and more machines, then you may need to hire people to make things easier for you.

• Machine and product: Try to purchase new machines of reputed and established brands like Planet Antares. While choosing a product you would like to vend, make sure that the product is fast moving with longer expiry period.

We are sure that these suggestions might help you in your new venture.

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Choosing Right Vending Machine – Planet Antares

The kind of machine you choose also influences the success of your business. Because of the growing popularity, a lot of people are getting lured towards starting this business on their own. Due to this more and more models of vending machines are being designed and introduced into the market.

However, there are few fraudsters amongst them trying to misguide you. Hence operators need to be very cautious while choosing the right machine for them. Vending machines available in the market can be broadly classified into three kinds- those that operate on mechanical power, electrical power and combination of both. Each of these has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. However the choice of vending machine is completely at the discretion of vending operator.

Mechanical vending machines: These machines as the name denotes do not work on electricity and at the same time these machines do not come with any automated features. However there are many benefits associated with its purchase, such as

• Easy to install.
• Generates revenue in the form of cash coins.
• Easy to haulage.
• Simple refill and repairing process.
• Zero electricity bill.

The negative aspects of this business are its poor resale value and inability to generate higher returns.

Electrical vending machines: As the name suggests, these machines require electricity to work efficiently. The problems faced in mechanical vending machines can be over come by using an electrical vending machine.

Combination vending machine: In case an operator is aiming at offering more than one product at a time, combo vending machines are appropriate. Besides being attractive and easy to operate, this machine also has larger storage capacity and can also generate higher revenue.

If you are new to this business or industry, it is always advisable to start on a small scale with one or two machines and gradually expand over a period of time. For more detailed view into the vending business contact Planet Antares staff.

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