Monday, July 31, 2006

Why Vending?

Immediate Cash Flow

As soon as you have placed your Antares vending machines in place, you will start earning an income. Most new businesses fail due to lack of cash flow in the beginning. In vending cash flow starts day 1.

The largest “all cash” business in the world

There are very few businesses that are all cash. Your Antares vending business is all cash, so you will not need to worry about bad debts.

Working for you 24hours a day!

It’s called passive Income. No matter what time of the day, your Antares vending machine works for you all day. The machines works without taking breaks of any kind. All that they do is collect money 24 hours a day for you.

Incredible return on investment

The purpose of investment is to make money. The profit margins in snack and beverage vending machines are quite high. The returns that you get in this business cannot be easily found anywhere.

Tax deductions

If you are trapped in a 20%-30% tax bracket, your tax advantages in this business are incredible! When you begin your Antares vending business, you invest in equipment which is tax deductible. You can also deduct other expenses. One should tale advantage of all the deductions in operating your own business.

Part time to Full time

Are you tired of working for someone else? Start your own Antares vending business part time- then make your business pay for itself as it grows. When your income meets or exceeds what you are earning now, you may consider converting from your current job to being your own boss.

A great family business

You should teach your kids the basic economics of “Supply and Demand” and the true value of work. Many families run vending routes together and they have a lot of fun in the process. It’s great for the whole family!

The key to wealth

Antares vending has made a number of people wealthy. The Natural Choice vending program has allowed a number of people to control their money and future. Vending can make you wealthy!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Finding a Vending Location

The vending business is very simple; all you need to do is find a good place to put your Antares vending machine, put the machine there and provide excellent service. The location is the starting point. You shouldn’t just buy vending machines and place them anywhere. First identify the location depending on the needs of the location, and then place the Antares vending machine. A location with 30 employees requires a different vending machine than that with 120 employees.

Do not assume that if a location has no vending machines then, that is the best place to set up your business. This is wrong. When you find a location like this it means that a vending business would not do well at this location and that probably some operators had set up there and had left the place because of lack of business. Look for a location that has a large number of vending businesses because that means that the area has got high traffic of customers.

For your Antares vending business you can also be on the lookout for locations where the business owners are unhappy with their current vending services for various reasons, like perhaps the machine is never filled on time. Approach these business owners with your machines and make sure that you will guarantee them better business. There is no need trying to convince business owners to switch from their current vending business unless they are unhappy. Find out why they are unhappy by getting details of the machines that they have and what their vending prices are. In this way you will avoid repeating the same mistakes as the previous vendor and offer better business from your Antares vending machine.

At times you will find locations that tell you that they do not need your vending business. Make sure that you leave your card with them. Some time in the future they might need new services and they will remember you.

To start off your business you need to approach locally owned businesses where you can reach the decision maker. Schools, hospitals, and factories are the big money makers in the vending industry but to gain access into these is quite difficult and lengthy. Make it easier for yourself and start with medium sized independently owned establishments.

Finding the best location is something that we at Antares Corporation can help you to do, so that you can make the right decision for your business.

Global Positioning Systems in Vending

Vending operators invest in new technologies such as cashless vending or sate of the art vending equipment. Others are investing in satellite based fleet monitoring, known as Global Positioning System. When starting up an Antares vending business, you can decide to make use of any of these new technologies.

GPS technology can provide a vending operator with up to date information on driver and vehicle activity such as service stops and variations in routes. If you are considering a GPS system for your Antares vending business you should research providers to see whether it is worth investing in.

There are two main types of GPS systems: “active” and “passive”. In the active system, data is submitted via cellular telemetry to the main office or a website where the subscribing company can view its fleet activity in real time. In passive system, the data is stored for retrieval and uploaded to the main fleet computer once the vehicle returns. There is also a two way tracking system that utilizes low orbit satellites, that allows communication between drivers and managers.

GPS can contribute to fuel savings for your Antares vending business by monitoring the company vehicle movement to make sure that it is not being misused. It will allow more efficient routing by allowing the managers to know how fast the vehicle is traveling so that you do not waste fuel on excessive speeding.

Some of the benefits for this system are faster response time, improved customer relations, improved employee accountability and decreased vehicle wear and tear. This is just to mention a few.

The upfront cost for investing in the GPS system is quite high. It is worth investing in for your Antares vending business and one can also assure the customers that their need will be met in a timely fashion.

This technology would be very efficient for your Antares business and if you are able to invest in it, it will benefit you and your business in the long run. You would save on so much as well as earn much more.

The Vending Sales Process

Success in vending sales demands constant commitment to a multidiscipline process whether you are a small operator or a large multi-state operator. In order to be successful in your Antares vending business, you need to be able to handle the high and lows of everyday sales life.

Key element: personal relationships

A side of our industry includes the product, equipment, and other goods and services that are sold to the vending operator. The other side has the sales people who represent the vending operators who go out and try to obtain new business.

A salesperson on the supplier’s side does more of a relationship type selling process. Whether you are selling vending equipment or products at the regional level, you are calling on the same people (local vending operators) everyday. There are some steps that you need to take to develop these relationships which will lead to the success of your Antares business. Such as:

Relationship building

When you are meeting your new customer, you shouldn’t approach them straight away with lets a candy and ask then whether they would like to try it. First get to know the customer by asking about how they started the business and whether the whole family is involved. You can also ask what they have done to make the business successful.

You should also get to meet the route people as well as become involved in the state vending association. This is all essential to the success of your Antares vending business.

Success demands commitment

What you want is to sell your candy bar or machine so you will need to be committed to the success of your Antares vending business. You need to really get to know your customer. The sales people on the operator side of the business especially in the large market tend to do more of cold calling. That means calling on new people everyday. The things mentioned above in relationship selling apply to you as well. You should develop relationships which can turn to referrals and eventually more business.


Look at your sales goals for each month, then you can determine how many cold calls you need to make in a day to get appointments. After which you will need to determine how many appointments will be needed to create enough sales to meet your monthly sales goal.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Is Vending Right for You

Vending is a business that you will have difficulty in if you think that it is anything but a business. If you want to start your Antares vending business you will just need to start on the right foot. In this day of information there is no reason that you should make any mistakes.

Just make sure that you do not fall victim to high priced, poor concept vending equipment you would end up spending thousands of dollars on these. There are some companies that will want too much from you than what they are offering. Don’t fall a victim to this. Some promotion companies use lines such as “come work with us” which are all misleading. With Antares Corporation you get what you expect and much more. You need to get informed on the right companies to start your business with.

The success of your Antares vending business all just depends on a number of factors. Location is of primal importance. There is not enough that can stress on this fact. You need to do research on the type of locations that are available and it’s also important that you see this location for yourself. Make sure you choose one that has a large number of potential customers, plus also find out what other vending machines are in the area and what they are vending.

Choose the right products for your Antares vending machines. What I mean by this is that you need to go for the branded products that are popular because this is what the customers will want to purchase from your machines.

The income expectations of your Antares vending business are extremely good. Don’t believe the scam artists who paint a picture which is unreal. We are in the real world and that is why companies such as Antares Corporation show you the exact picture of your income expectations, which is very high. This is a proven fact form previous and current owners of our machines. Our vending program can never go wrong for you so long as you get your business started and work at it.

With all these facts laid out it is now entirely up to you to decide whether the vending business is right for you. Hopefully you will come to the same conclusions, that so many have. These people are making enough money to make a good living and some have even decided to leave their regular jobs to go into full time vending. Choose a program from Anatres Corporation and brighten up you future.

Types of Vending Programs

Potential customers are always making inquiries about vending machines such as:

-Can we rent?

-do we have to buy the machine?

-will the service cost us?

-where can we buy the products?

To answer some of these questions here are some basic vending options that can help you to start off your new Antares Vending business.

Full Service: This vending program offers all the vending equipments, products, and total service at no cost to the location. At times the prices are made adjustable to accommodate the location with a monthly commission based on sales. In this service the vending company will cover the costs of equipment, insurance, taxes, payroll, spoilage and much more.

Co-op Service: This vending program allows the location to have use of the vending machines at little or no charge at all. In this case the location must purchase all the products and services from the vendor at wholesale prices. The location must also provide the labor, insurance and other responsibilities. The difference between the total costs and the selling price is retained by the location.

Owner Operated: This is when an individual or a location management takes complete control of the vending. In this program you would need to purchase all the equipment by yourself. The owner is also responsible for purchasing the products, taking care of all loses incurred and paying labor. This is just a few of the responsibilities. The locations keep the remaining profits or may choose a subsidiary program if lower prices are desired.

Depending on your business situation you can choose the method that would best suit you. Antares Corporation can offer you a Natural Choice program that would help you out.

Full program is the most popular because it means that the companies are least involved with the business. Owner operated program is not so popular but with the Natural Choice program you cannot go wrong in your business endeavor.

Advances made in Vending

New advances in vending machine technology are opening up new markets and new possibilities. This of cause has the potential to boost sales up significantly. Antares Corporation, for one has introduced a new refreshment center and Natural Choice vending program. Many companies are coming up with new ideas that would eventually boost their vending sales.

Coca-cola made headlines last year when it designed a vending machine that could raise prices when the temperatures rose. The Vending Times has reported that there are innovations in the area of data collection from vending machines. If you vending machine is compliant with DEX then your machine can transmit its records to a computer carried by route distribution personnel. All kinds of information can be exchanged using this system.

The new revolutionary Antares Refreshment Center was sold for the first time in 2005. it contains everything to make it useful. This machine can vend various size drinks in plastic, cans and glass. It can also dispense water in containers between 10 12 ounces including the most popular 16.9 oz bottle. To add on top of that it can dispense 12oz canned beverages and 10 to 12 oz drinks. This includes energy drinks, chilled coffee beverages and juice flavors. That’s why this machine is unique in the industry.

A number of innovations are making vending machines like the Antares Refreshment Center more intelligent and high tech. This can make business run smoother for the vending operators. Vending machines in Japan are the most high tech because they have been innovating for decades.

Vending machine technology is still taking a whole new turn for the new millennium. Now with a vending machine you can grind your own gourmet coffee or even use a cell phone to buy a coke. The new Antares Refreshment Center gives the purchaser the ability to sell everyone’s favorite snacks and candies. It also comes with a bill changer to enhance the purchase process. The machine never goes out of order because it is controlled by a patented manually operated coin mechanism.

The vending machine of the future will be “cashless” and operated with debit and credit cards. The variety and technological daring will only continue to grow.

Anatres Corporation is the exclusive seller of the Antares Refreshment Center and its Natural Choice Vending marketing plan. It markets its program throughout the United States and Canada.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Vending Security Issues

Vandalism has been an issue sine vending machines were invented. However in these modern times the thieves are using more sophisticated methods to beat the machines. You as a vending operator just have to find a way to counter this. Thieves all over the country have broken into machines and made away with huge sums of cash.

Vending machines like those provided by Antares Corporation do not only face the problem of theft, they also have to deal with damage done to the machines which has been staggering. The thieves would pry open the door using all types of tools and steal the coin mechanisms, dollar bill acceptors with bills still intact, money pans as well as the products in the machine. When machine gets vandalized it can cost the operator $50 to over $1000 per incident.

A machine can get vandalized when the customer kicks the machine due to anger, because maybe they got the wrong product or maybe the coin mechanism would jam along with their change and they can even end up messing up the machine trying to retrieve the change. A customer can get angry with the machine for a number of reasons. This is not something that you would experience with an Antares vending machine because they are well built and all their mechanisms do not get stuck. Current owners of Antares vending machines can support this fact.

As a vending operator you have to come up with ways to minimize such ugly incidents. One of the latest weapons against theft and vandalism is the availability of change card accessibility and cashless vending technology. Smart cards are inserted into the machine with special computerized debit style utilization. Alarm systems are also available that will sound a loud siren if the door is opened without the proper code. Other systems will sound an alarm if the machine is tilted or roughed up. Some systems are capable of taking a photo of the attendant when the door opens without the correct code being entered. Some are programmed to send a call to the security monitoring company.

To curb theft and vandalism for you Anatres vending machine you can use surveillance cameras that will capture any illegal activities. Plus you can also place warning signs that note prosecution for theft or vandalism. Signs indicating that money is removed twice a day from your Antares machine can deter a thief. Don’t underestimate high security locks, padlocks and other similar precautions. These are more economical precautions for you Antares vending machine


Bulk machine sellers will try to convince you that their machines are the best, have the highest profit and fastest empty rate. Commercial vending machines like the Antares vending machines are a better choice for you if you are thinking of starting a vending business.

Bulk vending machines are manufactured in other countries like China for very low prices and their sales mark up is huge. The machines do not empty as fast as they would like you to believe. Bulk machines can probably do well if they are placed in bowling alleys or a shopping mall. You will find that people place these machines in out of the way places where unless they are operating “capsules” the food or gum in the machine can go stale.

Many commercial or industrial locations do not like these types of machines because they can crate a mess when they are used.

Some time ago bulk vending machines used to sell very well but now you find that after a customer has purchased one, they usually after a few months want to trade the machine for commercial vending machine like those that are offered by Antares Corporation. They got to find out that they were not making a good living from these machines.

Customers, who have about 50 — 100 commercial machines like the Antares vending machines, can make a good living from these machines and we have part time machine operators with a few machines who make enough to supplement their regular salary. A full size can soda and snack machine such as the Antares Refreshment Center has the potential to empty out at $800-$1000 for the pair. Once you have the right location doing good business will not be a problem for you.

More people drink sodas and eat snacks than chew gum or buy a capsule toy. A recent survey showed that product sales for soft drinks were over $20 billion, $9 million for snacks and confections as compared to ½ billion dollars for all bulk vending.

There are various reasons why commercial vending machines are preferred to bulk machines. For example bulk machines do not make change for dollar bills like commercial machines. Anatres combo vending machines have this facility. Bulk machines can be easily stolen because of their light weight as compared to full size commercial vending machines which have a massive weight of 500 to 800 pounds.

Looking at the benefits of having a commercial vending machine, it would be wise for you to go for Anatres vending machine to start off your vending business. You are bound to reap a large profit with your business.

Vending Machine Cash Collections

The advantage of vending is that it’s a cash only business. You simply collect your “cash” each time that you service your accounts and deposit it in your bank. As long as you have a good location then you will have cash to collect from your vending business. Make sure that you put the right machine such as the Antares vending machine, at the right location.

As a vending operator, you will probably have a regular job besides your vending business. You will have to make collections from your Antares vending machine at a time when it does not interfere with your regular job. Cash collections from your Antares vending machine can be made on a daily or a weekly basis. You also need to collect cash from the machine if you intend to make repairs to the coin mechanism or the machine itself.

Frequency of your cash collections depends upon the location of the vending machine. You might that your Antares vending machine is in a crowded area where you would expect potential customers. In this case then you would need to make frequent cash collections for convenience and security purposes. On the other hand if you machine in a location that is not frequented by potential customers then you do not need to collect cash from the Antares vending machine on a regular basis.

Suppose that you have more than one vending machine in a location or in various locations, it would be a bit difficult to collect cash from these machines all on the same day. What you can do is that you can have a sales outlet operator deliver the cash or you can have locked money boxes in the vending machines. You can also decide to use a night depository box.

A vending machine from the Antares Corporation is an amazing money making machine. When you have one or more of these machines you will be frequenting your location to collect cash from the machines. With these machines you cannot possibly go wrong.

When collecting cash from these machines you can use a money bag for the safe keeping of the cash. It is also advisable that you don’t make it a habit to collect money from the machine on the same day as you may never know who might be watching you. This would be in the case that you make collections on a weekly or otherwise. For security purposes for your Antares vending business try to switch the days that you make the collections.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Filling vending machines

Filling a Natural Choice vending machine is much easier if the product is stored properly before being dispensed. For example, during the process of shipping and handling of soda cases there may be the possibility of damage occurring. That can go unnoticed. These damaged cases can cause the cardboard, plastic wrap and cans in the adjacent cases to become and remain wet for a long period of time. To prevent this you must identify and remove the wet cases.

Before you fill the Antares vending machines go to each individual machine and count how many of each flavor you will need to fill the machine. Make sure everything you bring to the machine is clean and free of damage. Place the merchandise in the correct slot in the vending machine. The last thing you want is the customer to push for their favorite brand and receiving something else.

When restocking canned soda in you Antares vending machine make sure that you indicate how many sodas you have placed in the machine by flavor. After filling all the slots in the machine, check it for operation. The coin changer has to be kept clean to prevent the contact surfaces from becoming sticky and jamming the coins. Take care that all the machine lights are in proper working order. This would include the sold out lights and correct change lights.

One important thing you need to do with your Antares vending machine is to place a sign on the machine stating the last time it was filled so that the customer will know how cold the sodas will be. Suppose that your machine has been placed in an office, it would then be advisable to fill the machine at least one hour before work starts.

Whenever possible you should try and fill Antares vending machines with brand name products that will sell. By sticking to brand products you can never go wrong.

One other important factor is that you need to keep a fixed schedule when refilling the vending machine so that there is a continuous supply of products and services. Not scheduling your refill timings properly will result in empty vending machines and ultimately unsatisfied customers which would be bad for business. Keep in mind that you sell more sodas when it is hot, so you need to adjust your schedule accordingly. The machines also tend to empty quickly on paydays so you will then need to refill the machines. As you gain experience you will learn to adjust to these conditions.


Vending machines and the surrounding areas should be kept clean at all times. After refilling the Antares vending machine remember to remove all trash, empty soda cases, boxes and so forth. The immediate area of the vending machine should be well lighted and provided with a covered trash receptacle. The area must be protected from overhead leakage or condensation from water, waste or sewer piping.

You should mount the Antares vending machine on a stand so that it is at least 6 inches off the deck, the reason for this is to make it easier for the vending operator to clean under and around the vending machine. Make sure that the surface of the vending machine inside or out is not sticky or dusty. The door and panel to the Antares vending machine and any access opening for food should be tightly fit and any worn gasket material should be replaced to prevent dust, or any other foreign particle from entering. Adequate hand washing facilities must be available for the workers servicing the vending machine.

Machines vending potentially hazardous food must be provide wit refrigeration or heating units and thermostatic controls which will ensure the maintenance of safe food temperatures. They must also have automatic controls which prevent the machine from vending food in the event of a power failure or a mechanical failure.

The vending stage of an Antares vending machine wit a delivery tube or chute must be provided with a tight fitting self closing cover. Vending machine exteriors must be designed and fabricated to minimize the entrance of insects and rodents. Ventilation louvers or openings into the vending machine must be effectively screened.

Personal hygiene for all food personnel is required for servicing the Antares vending machine. This means that they will be required to wash hands at all times, not to use tobacco, wearing clean garments, etc when engaging in any kind of servicing of the vending machine.

The cavities and door edges of microwave ovens must be cleaned at least once a day to keep them free of grease deposits and other accumulated soil. The Antares vending operator must maintain a record of the vending machine operations. This must be made available at the time of inspection and it must be current.

Food sold through vending machines will be providing the same protection as provided by any other food service facility. It must be free from contamination.


These are skilled technicians who install and repair vending machines. They will transport the machines and make the necessary water and electrical connections using the manufactures’ instructions.

Deterioration of an Antares vending machine from ordinary use and damage will mean repair and replacement of vending parts in field locations and shops. Mechanics must look for the reasons that the machine has stopped and fix it. If the mechanics cannot immediately diagnose and isolate malfunctions, they troubleshoot by following procedures developed by the manufacturers

When the Antares vending machine requires major repairs or overhauls, mechanics will take them or their parts back to the service shop. Here they will dismantle the machine, repair and reassemble the units.

The mechanics would follow technical illustrations, schematics, blueprints, diagrams and repair manuals to fix up the Antares vending machines. Machines these days are very “high tech” and contain electronic parts that sets prices calculate customer’s purchases, and controls the dispensing of change and products. The mechanics would use a number of hand tools such as wrenches, screwdrivers, pipe cutters and hammers to tighten, cut and adjust the machine. They use heavy machinery such as grinding wheels, saws and drills to do their work in the shop. If there are problems with the water flow of the Antares vending machine or perhaps a problem wit the carbonation systems and brewing devices, these will be handled by the mechanic.

Maintaining the Antares machine well, by lubricating parts and adjusting the machine will prevent trouble before it starts. Mechanics who repair food and beverage machines must comply with State and local sanitation procedures and health codes.

Mechanics can work either in their repair shop or on the field. At times they can decide to work in both places. Employers who require uniform must provide them or pay for them. Employers also provide power tools and test equipments but of cause the mechanics must have their own tools as well.

Vending machines such as an Antares Refreshment Center are usually heavy and bulky and must be moved by hand trucks or any other moving device. The mechanics are responsible for the vehicles provided to them by the employers.

Employment for mechanics is on the decline despite an increase in the number and types of machines. Machines are now computerized so the mechanics are not needed for their maintenance. Only those skilled in electronic systems will be in demand. Earning of a mechanic vary according to their training, skill level, type of equipment repaired, size of employer and locations of their jobs.